
Monday, January 23, 2012


What do you all think of the new look of my blog? I decided that after it looking pretty much the same ever since I started last May, that it was time for a change. On a normal basis I would have a header, but for some reason I can't get it to work. My pictures always are way too big. Also, I changed my background and font. So, what do you think? Drop me a comment and let me know!

The background came from this website I found. They have lots of really neat backgrounds. You can look at them here.

And sorry I haven't been that good about blogging lately. For some reason Blogger isn't letting me upload any pictures. So, it may have to be just writing for a little while. But hey, I figure posts with just words is better than no posts, right?

So again, let me know what you think of the new look of Kayla's Corner!



  1. I think it's very nice, Kayla! Good job!

  2. Nice, Kayla!

    For your header picture, when you upload your image, make sure you click "shrink to size". If that doesn't work, you need to resize the image itself and then upload it.

    It's too bad you can't get your pictures to work! What exactly is the problem? I may be able to help you....just leave me a comment, or we can talk at church next. :-)
