
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Can Somebody Please Slap Me?!!!!

I know. I've been an absolutely terrible blogger recently. For some reason every time I think about it, I'm busy doing something, and when I'm not doing anything, I forget about it. But I'm here now, ready to post. I said in my last post that the Lynch family was coming over. Well, that never happened. They'll come sometime this week though. On Thursday we went swimming at my grandma's house again, and on Friday was a very special day for me. My 14th birthday!!! It was a great day.

We had pancakes for breakfast and I ended up making them (which I don't really mind since I love to cook).

14 is the age at which us kids are allowed to open up our keepsake boxes for the first time.

Here I was explaining to Annabeth how a family tree worked.

I CANNOT believe this actually fit me at one point!

I had probably about 200 cards (literally) in the boxes.

You can't really see it very well, but there's a little bracelet on my finger. I'm saving that for my first baby girl.

Again, you can't see it very well, but there's a ruby ring in that heart box.

This is a really goofy picture of Jonathan and I in our U of A clothes. (Anyone who knows me really well knows that I am a HUGE U of A fan:) )

When I was about 3, I started playing tee-ball. This is an old picture. And yes, I'm wearing pants *Gasp*.

I tried to put this on. It didn't fit.

One of my old sonogram pictures.

This was an adorable plastic canvas cake that my Nana made for me years ago. I used to have so much fun playing with it.

For dinner we had a casserole that was like pizza and spaghetti mixed together. It was so good. (If anyone wants the recipe for it, comment and I will do a post with it soon) Then for dessert, we went out and bought a plain cheesecake, crushed up Butterfinger candy bars, and put them on the top. It was really good. Although next time it needs less Butterfinger...

A very un-professional picture of the cheesecake.

And that's it for my birthday! It was a great time.

Yesterday we went to the farm. Most of the time was spent doing weeds and picking up nails. The people who owned the house originally burned TONS of wood that was full of nails, and then didn't pick up the nails. So before we can clear all of the weeds with the tractor, we need to pick up all the nails.

Right after dinner it started raining really hard, so we stayed inside and started playing games. Us older kids found out we really liked Slap Jack, and Dad played Spoons with us. We had such a blast.

Some of the kids were having fun playing checkers.

Jonathan and I playing Slap Jack.

Here I had already gotten four of a kind, and was just waiting for everyone else to realize that I had picked up a spoon:)

Well, that's it for this post! If I don't post much this week, I give you permission to come up and slap me :)


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Kayla!! I didn't realize it was your birthday this week. Looks like you had a great time; the keepsake box is such a neat idea!!! And wow does that cheesecake look good. :-)

    We love Spoons - haven't played in a while but it's a fun game!
