
Wednesday, December 19, 2012


We had a whole lot of plans today. The other girls and I were going with some friend's of our's to a lady that they know's house, Jonathan was going to going to hang out with their brother and some other boys from church and have a game day, David was going to play the Wii at my grandma's house while she and Mom went shopping, and then tonight we were going to a Christmas party. And then David woke up sick. With croup. You know, the sickness that's really, really contagious. So, we ended up staying home today. Plus we won't be able to to to violin tomorrow. I'm a little upset about it, (I've been looking forward to the Christmas party for weeks now) but that's ok. I'd much rather stay home than risk getting anybody sick. Since none of us know yet whether we have it or not, (except for David, of course) it would be wrong to go and risk getting other people sick. 

I did get a lot done here today, though. I've been working a lot on the blanket for Danielle, (I'll post pictures of it when it's done) we've watched Captain America 3 different times today, (don't ask me why, I have no idea) I got a lot of school done, and right now Dad's getting the Christmas tree set up so we can all decorate it. We have a fake tree, and so it needs to be put together. Normally we'd all do that, but Dad tends to get kind of frustrated when there's 7 other people all trying to do it, and it doesn't help that at this house the tree is in a corner, not really out in the open like it used to be. Plus, once he gets it set up we all have to back off so he can do the lights anyway. (That part is most frustrating to him by far) so we're just sitting around watching Captain America AGAIN. Hannah was on a sleepover earlier, so she didn't get to see it. And just a quick little question. Does anybody else hate it when you can smell food and yet you can't have it? Mom's baking pizza right now, and gosh it's making me hungry. Sorry if that seems silly but it's what's on my mind right now. :) 

Ok. Well that's all I have to say right now. Tomorrow hopefully I can post pictures from the decorating and I'll talk some about how I'm really stressed out for Sunday. :) (I'll explain why then)

Monday, December 17, 2012

No time right now to post...

But I just wanted to let you know that yes, I'm still here. I haven't had my phone lately, and no phone=no posting. But I have it right now and so I'll be able to post. Just not right now. :) I'll try and write some later today. If not, I'll write tonight and post it tomorrow. :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

A little rant

Does anybody else find it crazy that here in Arizona we can still get away with wearing short sleeve shirts?!? I mean really. Short sleeves in DECEMBER? How crazy is that? Other places are dealing with snow, in Alaska it's in the negatives, (wink wink Mikala. ;) ) and here in AZ people walk around in short sleeve shirts and shorts. (We obviously don't walk around in shorts, I'm talking about in general) I really hope it starts cooling down soon. If it doesn't, I might just move to Ohio. I've got plenty of family there I could visit. :) 

Sorry, just had to rant a little. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pure Joy (Told ya I'm back! ;) )

The only mail we get here right now is our local Alco ad. It's nice to get, because they have yarn, and I can look to see when it's on sale. (It's really expensive at regular price, and it's a long way away to get it anywhere else) 

Anyway, this morning Hannah brought the weekly Alco ad to me and showed me a camera inside. Since she's really into photography, and I need to take pictures for my business, she wanted for us to both split the money to get it, and then share it. Well, I took a look at the camera, and it looks like it may be a good investment. Who knows? Mom gave her permission for us to get it, and I can't remember the last time I've seen Hannah so happy. Really. She's overjoyed. She' had 2 different cameras before, but both of them had broken. One accidentally went through the washing machine, (oops!) and one just stopped working. Seriously. It just stopped. Wouldn't turn on, wouldn't reset, wouldn't do anything. We tried changing the batteries, resetting it, doing everything possible to fix it. And it wouldn't. It just sat there,with a black screen, not wanting to work. So, she's been without a camera for a long time now. She likes using Mom's, but she always forgets to put it away or do something like that, and so Mom doesn't let her use it very often. So, she's very happy. And I'm pretty happy too. Right now I'm just taking pictures on my phone, because, get this, Mom's camera is too great. The pictures are so good, they take up too much space for Etsy to handle. So I can't use that camera. So I'm pretty happy too. :)

I'm also happy about one other thing. Yesterday in the mail we got a bunch of books that Mom ordered. And in them came 6 Frank Peretti books. If you've never read any books by him, you should. I've read three so far and I've loved all of them. And then Mom got 6 more! The only thing about Frank Peretti books is that they're sci-fi. They're really weird stories that couldn't possibly happen in real life. So far I've read Illusions, (that one came out just this year) The Oath, and Hangman's Curse. The Oath is really, REALLY long, and Hangman's Curse is pretty short. They're all different lengths. But typically Frank Peretti's books are pretty long. Which I like. It seems like halfway through the book it seems like it should be over, and then there's still half the book left. And the best part is that they're Christian books. Every part of the book points back to God. It's really amazing. So if you've never read a Frank Peretti book, you really should. They're pretty amazing.

So anyway, there's a lot to be joyful about in the Cameron household. :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

I Promise

This time I PROMISE I'm back. Life has been pretty crazy, but I'm back. Plus, the Internet problems didn't help. But I'm pretty sure that's over with. So, I can get back to regular posting. And if I don't you can... Uh... Hmmm... Do nothing I guess. ;)

Let's see... What's been going on lately? Well, we've still been spending half our time in Tucson. It's getting a little tiring. But, I still like having music lessons, so it's worth it. :) It also seems like as soon as we move away from town, we have more to do there. And I guess we do. Mom has doctor appointments every 2 weeks, plus both Jonathan and Hannah have had orthodontist appointments recently. Well, actually Hannah has one this week. Now that she has her braces off, I believe after this appointment she won't have to go for a really long time. 

Oh! Speaking of Mom and the baby, we have a name. Danielle Marie. Isn't it so pretty? I absolutely love it. It was amazing. For such a long time Mom and Dad had been thinking of names, but there just wasn't peace from God about any of them. Then, one night Mom heard the name Danielle while she was listening to a teaching and was like, 'Yup, that's it.' The name Marie came the next day I believe. She was originally considering Danielle Faith, but decided on Marie instead. I like it. :)

Last Friday we had a recital to play in. I decided not to sing this time. Partly because I really didn't want to, partly because the only instrument I can play well enough to be comfortable in front of people, and you can't sing and play violin at the same time, and the person I would normally ask to play with me is crazy busy, and partly because the recital was filling up fast, and before I knew it, there wasn't room. But, I did end up accompanying Sarah on piano. She was required to play since she was Mrs. MacDonalds student, and so was Jonathan. Sarah and I played Away in a Manger, and Jonathan played We Three Kings. Hannah also played Joy to the World on violin. It went really well. Sarah played perfectly. And wouldn't you know it, I messed up. But, I have an excuse. I learned half of my part the day before. Mrs. MacDonald first asked me to play with her two weeks ago. There I was just playing chords with my right hand, but then Thursday, the day before the recital, she added a part for my left hand. She said I didn't have to do it if I didn't want to, that she knew she was loading a bunch on me. But, I'm ambitious. :) I did it anyway. And I messed up. But whatever. It was Sarah's song anyway, I was just helping her.

Well, I have more to type, but that's all I'm going to do now. Again, I promise I'm back!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

What was awesome about my day

What was awesome about my day

(Sorry Rachel, I know I kind of stole this from you, but I needed a post that didn’t use pictures today)

Waking up to a nice warm fire in the wood burning stove. Ah.. Pure heaven.

Doing laundry. Yeah, I know you probably think I’m crazy, but I have a good reason for it. The smell of laundry detergent. I seriously love that smell.

Getting to try on new shirts that I got at Savers yesterday. Well, actually, I only tried on 2 of them, but that was fun. And the others have been layed out on my bed all day. Which means I get to stare at them and determine what outfits I can make with them. :)

Putting silverware away in a drawer. Again, you may think I’m crazy, but seriously. When we first were down here the silverware was in the fridge to keep all of the dust off of it. Then when we first moved here it was on top of the toaster oven. For the first time the silverware is actually in a drawer. J It’s amazing the things you take for granted until you go without them. Like drawers. Or cabinet doors. Or carpet. Or a bathroom with a door… (Don’t worry, I won’t expand on that one. :) )

Listening to the Jonathan Park radio dramas from Vision Forum. Ah, I love Jonathan Park. If you haven’t listened to them, you should. They’re amazing.

Doing school. Pretty much all of my siblings hate school, but not me. I love it. Which is a good thing and a bad thing. It’s a good thing because it means I’m getting a lot done, but it’s a bad thing because since I’ve been doing so much school I’m going to graduate next year, and then there won’t be any school left to do. :( Boo hoo.

Playing card games with Sarah. She absolutely loves to play Egyptian War with me. (Or Wes, is it Egyptian Ratslap? I’ve heard you use both names)

Listening to the wind. The wind has been blowing hard all day long. It means we can’t go outside without freezing, but I still like listening to it. I heard somewhere the other day (can’t remember where) that even the wind is a powerful testimony to the fact that God is present. Something to think about.

And that’s what was awesome about my day so far! I probably could come up with more if I waited until after 10:51 to post, but I have time, so I’m posting now. J

Friday, October 26, 2012


Well, we're finally moved, and I think we're pretty settled. I would talk some about the actual move itself, but I think all of youi will find it kinda' boring. So, I will spare you of that. :)

The really cool thing is that now I can post PICTURES! I know. Awesome, right? I think I havbe it all figured out now. And good thing too, because I was getting tired of just talking. And yeah, I know that there are some of you who know me personally out there who are going, "What?!? Kayla get tired of TALKING? Is she crazy???" Well, maybe. :D

We spent quite a bit of the past week digging a fire pit next to the house. And man oh man is it huge! I decided to take a break really quickly and grab my phone to snap a few pictures. Enjoy!

Ok, so this has absolutely nothing to do with the fire pit, I just was walking outside with the camera and was Serina staring out the window. And since she doesn't make it on this blog very much, I thought I should take a picture of her. :)

Yeah, I know it's not the greatest smile, but I think as she was looking up at me she was looking right into the sun.
Midair shots!

Hannah bringing bricks from a junk pile towards the back of the property for the wall around the fire pit

Hard at work

Here's the handle of the shovel I was using. I have to wonder what made it green...

The wall around the pit
It's not quite done yet, but it's pretty close, so when it is done I'll get a picture and put it on here too.
And then I have 2 posts lined up. One about my sleepover this week and one about our church service last Saturday. So be looking for those!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


...Is the day. The day we're moving. You know, even though I know it's so close, it still seems... unreal. I mean, so many times we've said we're going to move. So many times we've taken loads of stuff down there.  In fact, we started to move last May, (2011) but it did't work out. But this time, it really is for real. I believe we've taken about 4 or 5 big loads of stuff down already, plus we've taken a bunch of furniture. Right now while I'm working on this post I'm also listening to Pandora while I pack up the pantry. I'm just leaving stuff that we may use for either dinner tonight or tomorrow or breakfast tomorrow. It's looking VERY empty. Frankly, so is our whole house. My room did look like a hurrican went through it, but now there's barely anything in there. It's really wierd. I'm still not sure that I can wrap my head around it. It's been 5. whole. years since we first bought the house. 5. When we first got the house we figured it would be about 5 or 6 years, but we had different plans then. You see, the house that was there, we were going to just fix it up really quick (yeah, right!) and then build another house for us to live in. Well, that idea got quickly thrown out the window. So then we took it down to about 3 years before we moved in. And year #3 came along. And then #4. And now #5. And we're FINALLY moving! I'm really excited about it.

The only thing about it is that... The week that we need to spend lots of time here packing and getting ready, we're really busy. I think we had something on Monday, but I can't remember what it is. Tuesday Hannah had an orthodontist appointment, (she got her braces off last week, and this week she was getting her retainer) yesterday we had voice and Mom had a doctor's appointment, and today we have violin and piano. Mom, David and Annabeth are actually at the farm right now umpacking stuff, so my grandma will be here in about 10 minutes to pick us up and take us. It's really, really nice that the place that Hannah and I take our violin lessons and the place that Jonathan and Sarah take their piano lessons are only like 3 blocks away from eachother. And they're at the same time. So Mom drops Hannah and I off at the music school, drives the rest of them over to the MacDonald's house, (Mrs. MacDonald is their piano teacher) waits, with them, and then at 1:00 comes and gets us and takes us back to their house, where we wait for whoever is having their lesson to finish. It's a lot of fun. So anyway, Nana is taking the place of Mom today. :) Oh yeah! And Tuesday night we went to my grandma's house for dinner. Pot roast. Yum! I love going to Nana's house for dinner. :)

Ok, that's all I'm going to say right now, because I have to finish getting ready to go. I'll try and post more later today. If not then.... Then it may be a couple of days. :)


Monday, September 17, 2012


For us, anyway. I know a lot of people who are WAY more busy than us, and I really don't understand how any of them do it. But in our standards, we've been busy lately. We've had football games to go to the last 3 Saturdays in a row, we've had voice, violin and piano lessons, we've been getting ready to move in about a month, and I've been really busy with my crochet. Not really a lot, but, like I said, for us it is.

About the moving: We are FINALLY getting ready to move to the farm! Yes! There is finally a light at the end of a 5 year long tunnel. When we first bought the property Mom and Dad said that it was probably gonna be about 5 or 6 years before we would be able to move down there, but I seriously thought they were out of their minds! 5 YEARS??? That was like half of my life at that time! (I was 10 when we bought the property) Now, originally when we bought the place we were going to just 'fix up' the house that was already there really quickly (yeah right!) and use that for a guest house, and build ourselves another house for us to actually live in. Like I said earlier, yeah right. I think it was probably about a year into it that we decided that that was NOT gonna happen. No way, no how. So we decided that we were just going to live in the house that was already there, put an addition on the back of it, and we'd be fine. Well, we still don't have the addition, but it'll take a really long time to build with the whole 1-day-a-week thing, and we all really don't want to wait. So it'll have to wait until after we've moved.

So anyway, we've been getting ready for that lately! Which means going through all our stuff and getting rid of a bunch of it. You know, it's amazing how much stuff you can collect in 10 years. It is CRAZY how much stuff we have here that we don't need. Well, in general, that is. I really don't have that much extra stuff. I do not like keeping stuff that I don't need, so I am CONSTANTLY going through my stuff trying to decide what I can get rid of. And I do that with my iPod too, I am going through on about a once a week basis getting rid of songs that I don't listen to and apps that I don't use. Which I suppose is good, considering I really don't have that much space on it. It's only an 8 GB iPod, and the software takes up a quarter of that. :D

So anyway, I have been going through all my stuff, and I've been realizing that I really don't have that much that I can get rid of. Seriously. I need to keep all of my craft stuff because I use it for my business, (all the stuff that I don't need I've already gotten rid of) I don't have a lot of shoes, and the few pairs that I do have fit me, (I've never understood the whole women with shoes and purses thing. What's so special about shoes and purses?) Probably the only thing that I really could get rid of is clothes. I have a LOT of clothes that I don't wear. The only thing is that Mom won't let me sell them in the yard sales that we've been having, and she won't let me take them to church to put in the front hallway for other people to take, because I have several little sisters who will soon fit into them. And it drives me crazy. I HATE having lots of excess stuff, so the fact that she won't let me get rid of any of it is making me a little insane. Of course, she does have a good point. All of my sisters will be able to use them at one point or another. *sigh* Oh well. I suppose I'll just need to live through it. :)

Oh! I just remembered! Last Monday we went to the doctor's office to find out what the baby is. Guess what? It's a GIRL!!! I knew it! I have had this gut feeling the whole first 20 weeks that it was going to be a girl. Oh, you should have seen the boys. The whole time after we found out they were sitting there comforting each other and hugging each other. It was so cute! They were like, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" :D I still think they are a little upset, but they're glad that the baby is healthy. Poor Annabeth. She was literally crying in the car on the way home because she wanted a boy. Poor thing. But now she's so excited to be having a little sister. She talks all the time about how she's going to play tea party with her, and play baby dolls with her, and do all that 'sister sister' stuff. :)

Like I said at the beginning of the post, I've been pretty busy with crochet suff. You can read about all I've been up to lately here. I'll be posting more there right after I'm done here.

Well, that's all for today! Later!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No, I don't really have a good reason...

As to why I haven't posted in the last 2 weeks. I mean, other than the fact that I've been sick, we've been out of the house a whole lot, and frankly I just have been too lazy to sit down and type for 20 minutes. But of course I can't mention those because they would be considered excuses. :)

LIke I said before, we've been out of the house a whole lot, which means that I acutally do have a lot to post about. I'm just not going to do it all today, because that would take a really long time. :D

Well, first of all, I thought I'd mention that I started a new blog! It's going to be all about my Etsy shop and my current craft projects. I originally started this blog to post about my Etsy shop, but then I realized that most of the people that read this blog are probably people that I know in person, and that they aren't the least bit interested in my crafting endeavors. Hehe. When I was trying to come up with a name for the blog I was going through a writers block, and so guess what the name of this new blog is?

Kayla's Corner - Etsy Version

I know, pretty pathetic, right? Oh well. I'm sure I'll change it eventually, once I come up with something more creative, but for right now, that's the name. Here's the link:

Hm, I've still been doing voice lessons, and they're starting to go alot better than they were going. (At least I think) Especially the last 3 weeks. Mr. Addleman said today that these last 3 voice lessons vs. everything before was like night and day. I'm pretty sure that's a good thing. :D The problem was that this whole last week I haven't been able to sing at all (up until yesterday, that is) because I've been sick. And it hasn't been fun. Ugh. But I'm pretty much over it now, thank goodness. And so far I haven't heard of anyone getting sick because of me. Even better!

Well, I guess that's all I'm going to type right now. I'm really not in the mood to be sitting here for another 20 minutes typing about all the other stuff we've been up to! I might post again later this afternoon, but if not I'll definitely post tomorrow, K?


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

100% natural

So just now I was walking around, and I happened to spot the this. You know how when you buy the sets of fake food and dishes for little kids to play with? Well, there was a box from one of those sets that was supposed to be apple juice. On the front it says '100% natural apple juice' but when you turn it to the side...

Water, Sugar, Apple Juice, Citric Acid, Flavorings, Vitamin C and Caramel Color"

Hm... Sound 100% natural to you?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cuteness at it's fullest

Ok, so Sarah and Annabeth were getting ready to have their afternoon snack. They were going to have cheese sticks, but we had 2 different kinds, and Sarah didn't know which kind to have, so she asked for a bite of Annabeth's. So Annabeth says, 'No sharing food! You'll get chicken pox!'

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Perfect description of what selling on Etsy is like....

I was looking through the fourms on Etsy just now, and I came across this thread. It was posted by Hoooked. ( And yes, I know how you actually spell Hooked. This lady spells it with 3 Os. But anyway, it made me laugh so hard! It almost perfectly describes what pretty much my first year on Etsy was like. :) (I did edit it a little bit for swearing)

"I have had quite a few friends and relatives want to start or who have started Etsy shops because it looks like easy money.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Ok, so you know how to make something that you think someone might want to buy and maybe you can make one of those things a day.

Ok, so you have a shop name you're sure will be perfect? Oh, no, someone already took glitzyglam, oh no, someone else already took bedazzled, oh no, someone already took bling, guess you'll have to find something else.

Ok, so you set up your paypal account and it only took a couple of weeks.

Ok, so you have a camera you think might work, if not who cares, after all most cell phones have cameras right?

Ok, so you realize that 300 pictures later on ONE item, that you have 2 or 3 that will be good to list. Nobody cares that your dog is in some of them.

Ok, so you think the steps to list are easy enough. Tags are EASY! Handmade, jewelry, women. That was simple!

Ok, so you think it should be about $1.00 to ship. After all bubble wrap mailers at walmart can't be that expensive.

Ok, so you think listing it at $10.00 sounds about right. Who needs to actually figure out the cost of materials? Charging $11.00 would just be too much, nobody would pay that much.

Ok, so you listed your first item, that only took an hour, you can do this everyday.

Ok, so you have your item listed. You notice that everybody else's shop has those signs at the top and those pictures to the left. You don't need one of those, nobody will even notice they're missing!

Ok, so now you've filled in your shop announcement. Awesome, you told all the other jewelry sellers how their necklaces stink. That's the spirit, now your customers will know that your necklaces are better.

Ok, so you don't think you'll need policies because you're not planning on selling that much stuff anyway.

Ok, so you don't want anything in your profile either? You don't want someone you don't like reading up how you sell jewelry online and buying from you!

Ok, so your item still has 0 views. What, you tagged it with jewelry, necklace, women, your title is pink necklace, well of course that should be enough for someone to find it!

*three months goes by*

Ok, so you finally sold that necklace! Yay, go you! You're the man. Wait, what, you just tossed it in the bubble mailer and the postal worker must have stomped on it because it arrived to the customer broken.

Ok, so your customer is demanding a refund or a replacement and are threatening to report you to Etsy because you called them a greedy jerk?

Ok, so well how were you supposed to know that you need to learn customer service?

Ok, you can't go buy more supplies because $10.00 doesn't cover the cost of materials to replace the item.

Ok, so you refunded the customer and they sent you back the item.

Ok, so they left you a negative feedback.

Ok, so you have no items (guess you couldn't make, photograph, and list an item a day).

Ok, so you have a broken necklace.

Ok, so you lost money on shipping.

Ok, so you now have 0% on your feedback because you didn't buy, sell, or list anything else and have no other feedback.

But, wait, where are you going? I thought this was supposed to be easy money! Come back! What do you mean you don't want to do this again?"

So a lot of this doesn't apply to me: the jewlry, the having to refund stuff, the negative feedback... but the whole part about taking 300 pictures for one item, for barely putting any tags, having really bad titles... that part applied to me. Yeah, my first year on Etsy was pretty rough. That would explain whey I only had 5 sales my whole first year. Now, in the last 6 months since my one year anniversary, I'm up to 79. :) Pretty cool, huh? I know I have some people following my blog who are from Etsy, so I figure I have to talk about Etsy every once in awhile, don't you think? Right now my shop is DEAD; I have only sold 2 blankets in like 2 weeks, but I did come up with a pattern for my blankets, and listed that, so that's bringing in some extra income. Although, there was a time in my shop where I was selling 7+ blankets a week, where my fingers were flying every spare second I got, (and even when I didn't have a spare second!) and it was pretty overwhelming. I'm really grateful to God for giving me this ability, but, it's not easy when your shop is that busy! Oh well. I suppose I should enjoy the free time that I have. You know what that means? I can make new blankets! Yeah! I listed 3 new ones the other day, with one ready to be listed, and one being one row away from done. Yup, I'm having fun. I love looking in my yarn bin for lots of really cool combinations, I love watching the blanket 'unfold' before my eyes, it's such a satisfying experience. And yeah, it's a lot of work. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Temporary Home

Hey guys. So I was going to post about the birthday party and my sleepover today, but frankly, I'm tired and I really don't want to. Yeah, I know it's lazy, but hey, it's late in the afternoon, the skies are gray outside, and frankly I'm just not feeling so great today. So, I'm just going to post a music video. This one is 'Temporary Home' by Carrie Underwood. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Sorry I haven't posted in the past couple days. Truthfully I haven't had any time before now.

Monday: I posted that day

Tuesday: I went to the farm with Mom and Sarah, came back, got ready and went to my grandma's house for the rest of the night to celebrate birthdays.

Wednesday: Left at about 8:00, did errands, had voice lessons, and then went to my grandma's house for a sleepover.

Today: Spent the morning at Nana's house, came home, and now I'm here posting. So, that's why I haven't before this. Haven't had a moment of free time. :)

Ok, so I guess first I should post about Baby Cameron. Mom is 16 weeks along tomorrow.
She's starting to look big and pregnant-looking. :) We don't know the gender yet. I think we'll find that out on either September 10th or 17th. Not sure which. Hannah is convinced it's going to be a boy and thinks Michael is a good name for the baby. I think it's a girl and I like the name Faith. Also, I think Dad likes the name Steven. Apparently the rest of my family thinks it's going to be a boy. Sarah and I are the only ones who want a girl. :) So that's the update. I guess there won't really be anything else to post about Baby until we find out the gender, and that's a month away. :( Oh well. I can hardly believe she's almost 16 weeks along already! Time certainly flies.

Let's see. I was going to post about mini golfing, but truthfully it isn't very interesting. We have no clue who won because somehow the score card got messed up halfway into it, so we quit that. The little kids were like 3 holes in front of the rest of us, don't ask me how that happened. I'm really not sure.

After we finished, Dad went with the rest of the kids to the bumper boats, and Mom went with me to the race cars. I know this may seem really silly, but I want to drive SO BAD! (And anyone who knows me in person I'm sure has heard me talk on and on and on about how excited I am for January, when I can start learning. ;) ) So, I decided I would much rather drive around a race track then get soaked by bumper boat squirt guns. :) Although, you know what's really ackward? Trying to buckle your seat belt modestly when it has to go between your legs and you're wearing a skirt. :D Hehe. Thank goodness it was a pretty loose seat belt.

After the bumper boats and racing, we went inside and played in the arcade for a little while. I didn't do much of anything, because every time Mom or Dad would give me tokens, I'd end up giving them away to someone else who used theirs, but found another game that they REALLY wanted to play. We never get to do that kind of thing, and truthfully there wasn't anything very interesting to me, so I gave all my tokens away. I prefer the games that are based on game shows, like Wheel of Fortune or Deal or No Deal. Although, I did play the Wheel of Fortune game, and it was such a rip off. Guess how many tickets I ended up getting out of it? 1. 1 measly ticket. I actually ended up getting 2 though because someone had left one on the game. It's not like I stink at games like that, I'm actually pretty good at them, I just don't think they made the Wheel of Fortune game very well. The Deal or No Deal one is WAY better, in my opinion.

After we finished all that we went to Albertsons and got ice cream and all the toppings. My favorite was the Reeses Pieces. :D Reeses Pieces are my favorite candy in the whole world, (although I'm crazy about anything with chocolate and peanut butter) and that on vanilla ice cream is like magic. :) So, we came home, ate it, and then went into our rooms for bed where I stayed up until like 10:30 because I was hyped up on sugar and was not tired in the least bit. :D

Oh hey. I just realized something. I just went on and on about something that I said I really wasn't going to post about because it wasn't too interesting. :D Oops. Oh well. I guess my rambling spirit gets the better of me sometimes. :)

Well, that's all I'm going to post about today. I'll post about the birthday celebration and my sleepover tomorrow, k?

Monday, August 13, 2012

The future of this blog...

So, I think I've mentioned before that our computer is having major problems, and so I can't post any pictures. Well, pretty much I've just been sitting around, waiting, hoping that maybe either we'll get a new computer or that the problems with this one will be magically fixed. Well, I don't think either of those are going to happen. So, I've decided something about this blog. And after you see this sentence PLEASE don't quit reading and immediately delete my blog from your favorites, unfollow me, etc. Because I'm not going to stop blogging. It's a lot of fun sharing what goes on in my life with people who haven't experienced it. (A.K.A. anyone other than my family :-) ) I've just been thinking about it, and decided that until this whole thing gets worked out, I'm just going to have to settle with a words-only blog. Which I guess if you think about it isn't that bad. I mean, without words the human race would be pretty lost. :) Now, I know that deaf people sign, but I don't think that I can blog with sign language. That would be pretty tough. So, a word only blog will have to suffice. I guess I just feel kinda' bad considering EVERY blog that I read is always chock-full of pictures. It's nice to be able to see what's going on, instead of just reading about it. I guess that's why they made movies out of books. (Although, in my humble opinion, the books are always WAY better than the movies)

So, until this whole thing with pictures gets sorted out, I am just going to write. And write, and write, and write. I'm going to try and post at least every other day if not every day telling you all about what goes on in the Cameron household. But please, if I get really REALLY rambly, please let me know, ok?

But there is something I would like to ask. If you read my blog, would you mind commenting to let me know? As of right now, after having my blog for over a year, I know of 3 people that read it. My sister and 2 of my friends. So I'm kind of a little bit desperate to find out if anyone else pays atten;tion. :)

Well, I guess that's all I'm going to say right now. Tomorrow I'll post about going mini-golfing for my, Sarah's and Annabeth's birthdays. Plus, I'll give a update on Baby Cameron!


Sunday, July 1, 2012


Hey guys. Sorry for the blogging break I've been taking! It's not that I don't have anything to post about, it's that our computer is old and is ready to crash, so we have to be really careful with what we do on it. (A.K.A. 'No pictures') Plus, I really don't have too much to say.

Update on Mom's pregnency: So far it's going well. I think she's 9 weeks along right now. She had her first doctor's appointment on Friday, and she said that everything looks fine. In fact, she saw Dad, (when Mom wasn't there) and said, "What are you doing here?" And guess what my crazy dad had to say about it? "I did it again." :)

Today we're going to my grandma's house. My aunt and 2 cousins flew in from the middle east last night, (Quatar) and they'll be here for about 6 weeks. We're pretty excited to go see them! Pretty much all of Dad's side of the family will be there, and we're all going to go swimming and then have a BBQ. So, hopefully I'll have something to talk about tomorrow.

Tuesday morning Mom and us kids will be going down to the farm to get ready for the 4th of July party we'll be having there on Wednesday. We had one here last year, and it was SO MUCH FUN! This year should be equally fun. First we'll go to a parade, and then a 'water day' that the local firefighters put on. Then we'll all go to our house, where we'll have sloppy joes, play water games, football, and all kinds of other fun stuff! After that we'll go to the local high school for the BEST FIREWORKS SHOW EVER!!! It's so amazing. They didn't have one last year because there hadn't been any rain, and the fire hazard was so huge. (One of the disadvantages of living in the desert... Barely any rain!) But as of right now, they're still doing it. There's a fire in the mountains behind us, but it's far enough away that it won't be a problem. Plus one started down there on Thursday, and it was out by Friday.  I was talking about it with Jonathan, and he said something along the lines of... 'Come on! Last year they didn't do it because of not enough rain, and this year they may not do it because of too much rain!' (meaning because a thunderstorm started the fire) 'Come on! Make up your minds!!!'

Hm.. I guess that's all I have to say for right now. Again, sorry it's been so long since I've posted!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Annabeth! (plus some NEWS!!!)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012,was Annabeth's 5th birthday. Wow. Time goes by fast. It seems like just yesterday she was a little newborn, coming home in her carrier from the hospital. Wow.

Annabeth is one of the sweetest people that you will EVER meet. She almost always has a smile on her face. Pretty much whatever you ask her to do, she'll do. She's always singing and dancing, (I seriously think she is going to be a REALLY great singer some day) she's always making you laugh, and that's only part of what I could say. I could go on and on and on. But, for time's sake I should keep this somewhat short.

Some facts about her:

1. She LOVES Strawberry Shortcake
2. Like I said earlier, she loves to sing.
3. This one's pretty interesting. One minute she could love you like crazy, and hug and kiss you like you've never seen before. Then the next minute she doesn't want to have anything to do with you and she's latched onto someone else. :)
4. She has certain shoes for everything. She has church shoes, bowling shoes, (just a regular pair of shoes, but she wore them when we went bowling once, so now they're her bowling shoes) Breaker's shoes, (these are shoes that she wore when we went to Breaker's Water Park last summer) and pretty much whatever else you can think of. She has to have a certain pair of shoes for every occasion.
5. She's got such a sweet personality, and is going to make a GREAT big sister.

Ok, so now is where you go back and go, 'Huh? Did I read that right?' Well, I can assure you did. And that's where the news comes in. Mom's gonna have a BABY!!!!! We're all SO excited. We're trying to decide whether it's a boy or a girl, because either one is going to break a pattern. Mom thinks it's a boy because she's had a boy in winter every 7 years, (the baby will be born in January. Jonathan will be 14 in December and David will be 7 in January) and I think it's going to be a girl because the birth order went... girl, boy, girl, miscarriage, girl, boy, girl, miscarriage.... So it makes sense that this will be a girl, doesn't it??? Mom thinks that this isn't going to be our last baby though. She says that God wants us to have 3 babies in each house. :D Jonathan, Hannah and I were born in our old house, Sarah, David and Annabeth were born here, and by the time this baby is born we'll be down at the farm. So she says that we'll have to have 2 more. :D She says that she'll go straight from changing her baby's diapers to changing her grandbaby's daipers. :) And I suppose if she has 3 more it's pretty possible. :) I don't know what's going to happen, but It's fun to think about.

I'm just glad that Mom doesn't get morning sickness. She's been feeling pretty good since she found out, except for some really bad lower back pain. But that's passed, which is good.  Now she's just really tired.

And now for some pictures from the day!

An ice cream cone, chocolate chip cookies and milk. *sigh* Perfect!

Group shot

So, let me know what you think!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Arizona quotes

So the other day we went to get out passes for the Pima County Library summer reading program. With it being Arizona's centennial this year, the theme is all about history. Our passes look like passports, and there are some GREAT quotes in it tha I just had to share. And all of those Arizonans out there, when you're done reading these, can I get an amen????? :D 1: "You know you live in Tucson when the cold-water faucet is hotter than the hot-water faucet." ~Author Unknown 2: "You can fall in love at first sight with a place as with a person." ~Alec Waugh 3: "You know you're an Arizona native when... a rainy day puts you in a good mood." ~Marshall Trimble Ok, like I said, can I get an amen from all those Arizona people??? It was a bad thing that I first saw those when I was in the library, because I came REALLY CLOSE to laughing out loud right there. The librarians probably wouldn't be too happy with me. :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

At the farm

Hi everyone! We're at the farm right now. I decided I should probably post, so I'm going to post my journal entry from today, so I don't have to write everything out again. Thank goodness for copy and paste! So, here you go!

Dear journal,

Today we're going down to the farm. Because of the holiday weekend, Dad has Monday off, so we'll go down today and come back sometime Monday. I really would like to go to church tomorrow though. Hannah and I have been trying to convince Mom and Dad that we should get in the habit of driving to town for church now, rather than wait until we move. I don't think it's going over very well though. :) Oh well.

I guess we're binging the rabbits with us. I'm still not sure I understand why. It was Hannah's idea. She's really gotten into taking care of rabbits. She wants to start a business from it this fall. She's done SO much research lately. Which brings me to something pretty funny. She found out the other day that Thumper, my BOY rabbit, is actually a girl. *clears throat* Yeah, that's kind of an interesting thing to be woken up with... "Kayla! Thumper is a GIRL!!!" I'm still getting used to that idea. :)

Anyway, I guess that we'll just hold the rabbits on the way down there. That's a long way, but it's ok. It's not like holding a porcupine or something like that. :)

Right now we're waiting for Dad and David to get home from work. Dad only had one appointment today, so David got to go with him. Oh my goodness. He looked so cute. He was wearing black pants, a light blue shirt, and a belt, just like Dad. He even had the sunglasses. :) It was SO cute!!!  Once they get home we'll leave.

Hehe. So, the whole leaving when Dad got home thing didn't work so well. They got home about 10:00, and Dad started getting the truck ready to go to the dump. It took a LONG time. Dad and I left, and made it to Mrs. Spetzer's house before the back tire on the truck blew. Yeah, not good. Dad didn't have any place to turn the truck around with the trailer on it, so we ha to drive up the street to Miss Susan's house before we could turn around. Then, when we got BACK to Mrs. Spetzer's house the hub cap came off. So, once we pulled into the driveway I walked back to get it. Dad wasn't too happy, because he was worried that the truck would get all messed up. I don't know if it did or not. We'll have to see.

So, we got ready to go. We finished packing and then started loading up.... To discover that the battery in the car was dead. Someone was playing in the cr and left the lights on. Dad wasn't too happy about that either. So, while we were waiting for the battery to charge, Sarah and I went on a walk to get the mail. (Our mailbox is about a quarter mile away, so not too far) On the way back, Sarah picked up the tread from the tire that had fallen on the road.

By the time that we got back, the van still wasn't charged, so we did devotions. (All except for Dad, he was busy) We just read from Proverbs, instead of reading from the New Testament too. We probably would have read Luke, but right before we finished Proverbs Dad came in and said to get loaded up. So, we did. We left shortly after.

And so here we are. On the way. I'll write more later.


We just finished eating dinner. We had Philly Cheese Steaks from Costco. It's hard to cook while we're here, since we have limited fridge space, and limited time. So, even though it's terrible, we bring frozen food.

Right now we're all in the family room. I'm writing, and Dad, Jonathan, Sarah and David are all playing a Bible trivia game. Annabeth is off doing who-knows-what, Mom is in our room doing something, and I think Hannah just got out of the shower.

Let's see... I guess I don't really have much to write. Unless you want to hear about how many pesky weeds have grown since we were last here, or about how we forgot the divider for the rabbit cage, and so we have one made out of wood in place, or about how it's SO WINDY here right now. But, I don't find that very interesting. So, I'll write more tomorrow.


Monday, May 21, 2012

I've decided something....

2 recitals in 3 weeks is WAY TOO MUCH!!! There was the one a few weeks ago, and then there was one yesterday. This one was Hannah's and my violin recital. I have videos from that too, but I STILL haven't gotten the videos from the last recital. I know, I'm a terrible blogger. But it's kind of hard when the device that has the videos on it is with my dad at work all day long. I'll try really hard to get at least some of them up this week.

Hannah was so nervous yesterday. She seriously looked like she would faint. Poor thing. This was her first time going up on stage and performing an instrument. But as soon as we got there, she seemed to be doing better.

We played with our teacher and 2 other kids. The first song Hannah and I did with our teacher, then we did a second song with all 4 of us. Then, Hannah left, and the 3 of us did a third song. And then I left and the other 2 did a song. Us kids went backstage to practice it before it started, and I think we just annoyed people who were trying to tune guitars and stuff. :) (hehehe) 4 violins playing together is pretty loud.

Our teacher wanted all of us to sit in the front row, in the order that we were playing, so we knew when it was our turn. Hannah and I were pretty close to the beginning, which helped, because then I didn't have to think about it for too long. :) I was shaking SO bad. The video that we have of that song, when I put it up, you can tell by listening that I was shaking. My bow was literally bouncing up and down. :)

After we did our first song, they did some piano songs. I'm not really sure why they broke it up, but they did. So, I thought there was still about 5 people until our turn, so I went to the bathroom. And I was only gone for like 5 minutes. But then I came back, and found out that everyone was waiting for me. Oops. :) So we rushed on stage, and did our other songs. Thank goodness, this time I wasn't shaking at all. I guess it was a good thing that they broke up our songs. If they hadn't, I probably would have been shaking through all 3 songs. But anyway, I guess it went ok. I mean, I definitely messed up, (I mean, not like forgot the notes or anything, but since I only have 2 tapes on my fingerboard instead of 4, sometimes my fingers-especially my pinky-miss the note and I have to adjust it a little until it sounds right) but overall it went pretty well.

We left at intermission, to much of our family's dismay. But, Dad doesn't appreciate music as much as some of us do, and he wanted to go to fellowship at church. There were several people that we knew that were playing, but we only got to hear one performance. The rest of them were in the second half. (Although, the one that we did hear was really good. :) ) But, since Dad wanted to leave, we did.

Fellowship was the same as always. Eat, play football, get exhausted. :D I'm still not so sure it's such a good idea to go out and play football right after we eat. :) Most of us can't go as fast as we normally can. :)

So, that's all for now. Like I said, I'll try and get at least SOME of the videos up this week.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today.... my first bloggy-versary!!! Yeah, I know that's not a word, but who cares? I'm pretty sure no one is going to report me to the dictionary police for it. :) I decided to post all my favorite pictures from the last year. I won't go into too much detail, because that would make for a REALLY long post! :D (thank goodness for blogger's amazing feature-the upload from blog option :) )

So, here we go!

I can't BELIEVE he's almost taller than me! *sigh* He's grown a lot since this picture was taken.

This is what our apple tree starts to look like right around this time of year.


Yeah, this is all of us in our ponchos when it was soaking wet and raining at Disney Land. Plus, it was a Tuesday, during the school year, and the place was STILL packed!

Ah... The perfect burger. :)

Annabeth was jumping up and down because she was excited... and this was the resulting picture. :)

David was FASCINATED by learning how to card wool 

Wrestling match!

This was Will at the 4th of July party we had last year. I've seen this picture SO many times, and I still giggle when I see it. :)

You know, I have NO idea what Daniel was doing....

This was me with my sarsaparilla and cool boot cup at the restaurant we went to before we walked through Winterhaven in December. Hm... I just realized that I never did post this picture... 

And that's all for this post! I probably could come up with LOTS more pictures if I wanted to, but alas, I think you would get bored after about the first 500 :D Just kidding. :) 

Hopefully the next year will bring lots more fun!
