
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Liebster Award

Like I said in my last post, Sam tagged me for the Liebster award. Thanks Sam!

Here are the rules:

-Link back to the blogger who tagged you.

-Answer the 10 questions that blogger asks.

-Nominate 10 other blogger at the maximum.

-Let those Nominees know they were tagged.

Sam's questions to me:

1) What is your family’s strangest tradition? Hm... Our family really doesn't have many traditions, let alone strange ones. Unless you want to count my dad's crazy tradition of going to Walmart or someplace like that on CHRISTMAS EVE to get stocking stuffers. That may be somewhat crazy.

2) What is/was your favorite subject in school? My favorite subject has always been Bible, but lately I've been enjoying History. This year it's been all about Goverment and Economics. That's been pretty interesting.

3) What is your favorite book of the Bible? Either Psalms or Song of Solomon. I just love Psalms, and as for Song of Solomon, I'm such a sucker for love stories. ;)

4) Favorite cartoon/animation (now or as a kid)? I always loved Scooby Doo, but I also like Loony Tunes. One of those two.

5) Funnest song you've listened to? Non-Christian, it'd have to be Walk Away by Kelly Clarkson. Christian, Gold by Britt Nicole.

6) Do you speak any amount of any other language not including pig-latin? Well, I can't even speak pig-latin, so..... Hahaha actually I used to know a little Sign Language, but it's been such a long time since I've worked on it I've probably forgotten most of it other than the really simple stuff. I also know a little bit of Spanish, just because it's neccessary where we live. There's a lot of Hispanics here.

7) Was anyone in your family born in another country? Nope.

8) What nationality are you (besides American. I'm talking heritage.)? My Dad's side of the family is Scottish, and my Mom's side is German.

9) What was the last thing you saw in theaters?  Catching Fire. I LOVE the Hunger Games!

10) What song do you feel was written just for you? Wow. That's a deep question. :) There's actually a couple. Gold and All This Time by Britt Nicole, Play On by Carrie Underwood, The Climb by Miley Cyrus, and Reflection by Christina Aguilera.

Ok! Now for my 10 questions!

1) In your opinion, which holiday is more important for a Christian? Christmas or Easter?
2) What's your favorite book series?
3) Which do you prefer? Emailing or writing letters?
4) Which verse in the Bible has the most meaning to you?
5) What animals have you owned in your life?
6) What is/was your least favorite subject in school?
7) Who's your favorite Christian artist?
8) What was the last thing you saw in theaters?
9) Are you more of a Mama's or a Daddy's girl?
10) What's the strangest gift you've ever received?

And I tag:

Bethany and Sarah Fast,
Kayla Surber,
And everyone else I know that blogs has either done it recently or doesn't have time, so that's all. :D



  1. That was fast! Good answers, and good questions. I loved Looney Toons and Scooby-Doo as a kid. I probably still would ;).
    Hey, are you guys gonna be at the TSWA Christmas party?

  2. Hey Sam! I don't know if we're going or not. Mostly it'll depend on whether people can get over their sickness, but also because it's on a Friday we may not go. I don't know yet. I sure hope we can go though! I'm assuming you guys are?

    1. We aren't sure yet. It's the night of our parents anniversary so if they decide to go out, we probably won't. I'll let you know if we've decided by Sunday ;).
