
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Awkward and Awesome

Was May 2nd really my last post?!? Wow..... It feels like it was just yesterday. My life has been so crazy and hectic lately, and is totally different than it was a couple of months ago. I have an awful lot to say, but I figured for right now I would just start with an awkward and awesome post. :)


~ That silence when you're talking to someone, but you both run out of things to say, so you just kinda sit there.....

~ When you go to work with Dad, and you see a realtor that you haven't seen in a couple of months. He doesn't remember your name, so he addresses you as "Number 1". :/

~ There's a certain guy at work (yes, I said work, I'll explain in the awesome part) that I'm pretty sure is 17, and there have been a couple of times when I'm pretty sure he's been staring at me, but I'm not sure, so I've just kind of ignored it and not made eye contact with him. That's awkward. 

~ When you're at your dad's softball game, and you make a teasing comment to one of the guys (who says things like that to you all the time, and totally deserves it), so he throws his glove at you (there's a fence inbetween us, so he can't actually hit me), and it falls into the trashcan and gets gum on it. Oops. :D

~ When you're at an appointment, and there's cats in the house. You're really allergic to cats, so you're sneezing like you have a chronic illness or something, and nobody else is batting an eye.

~ When a guy asks you to cover his shift a certain day, but you can't do it, so he has to, and then the next week they need you to work a certain shift on a day that you can't do it, and they get him to do it. 

~ Having customers who don't speak any English becomes very difficult when you don't speak any Spanish. :/ 

~ Watching a movie that is supposed to be awesome, but none of your family members like it, so when it's over you sit there like "Um, is that it?"


~ Getting a job! This deserves its own post, so I'm not going to say much, but I will say that God has been so good to me, and I now have a job at Safeway! It's been totally awesome, except for working closing shifts, like today when I work from 4 until midnight. Oh well. That's what happens when you're new. :)

~ The fact that my awesome friend Rachel is getting married a week from today! Ah!!!!!!!!! I am seriously so happy for her. :) Her and her fiancé are perfect together, and it's going to be such an amazing wedding. :)

~ New nail polish! Between my birthday a couple of weeks ago, as well as Rachel giving me some she didn't need any more, I have quite a lot of new colors! :)

~ Free tea refills at Starbucks :)

~ My coworkers. They are all so sweet, and have been so nice to me as I've been learning everything. :)

~ The fact that football season starts really soon! If you're not a sports fan, you totally won't get this, but the summer is SO terrible for me, because there's nothing going on! I am not a baseball fan in any way, shape or form, so the couple of months inbetween when basketball ends and football starts are like torture.

~ The fact that (hopefully!) I'll get my first paycheck today! Generally it's Friday, but I (think) I'm set up for direct deposit, and those people get payed Wednesday. Thank goodness, because I need money. :D

~ Phone conversations with your best friend. Man, do I love those. Lots and lots of laughing is involved. :D

~ Good books :)

~ Having 474 followers on my business Instagram. Wow! That's a lot of people! :D

Alright, and that's my awkward and awesome! I have tomorrow off, so I'll try and write a post about my job. :)


  1. Yeah, the fact that I'm getting MARRIED in a week IS pretty wink :-)

    Glad you like the nail polish!!! :-) And I'm super glad your enjoying your job!! It's great life experience. And, consider Safeway your new mission field. It WILL come up, eventually, and it's a great opportunity to share Jesus.

    1. Yeah, it is. That's why I said it. :D

      I definitely will. :) I should tell you what Annabell told me one of these days. :)

  2. @3: Surely he's not the only teenage guy you've seen staring at you? ;)
    @6: Yeah, that would be awkward for sure.
    @7: Hey, I should apply! Totally impractical in location, but it'd be really cool! haha
    @8: What movie was it?
    Again, congrats on the job, nice coworkers and incoming paycheck! See you Sunday.

    1. Hahaha well he's the only employee. The only other teenage guy I work with is really quiet, and is most of the time in the back doing something else.

      Hahaha that would be awesome! You could just have an eternal sleepover. :D

      The movie was "Gravity". Have you seen it? It seemed like there was an awful lot of hype around it for a movie that I didn't think was very good....

    2. You weren't at church! I hope you're feeling okay. I'm sure I'll see you Wednesday anyway.

      Yeah, there was a big hype about that movie - it won a bunch of Oscars I'm pretty sure. The trailer didn't look like all that to me, but I never saw it. I'll just take your word for it ;).

  3. Hey Girl!
    Praise the Lord you got a job! A job at Starbucks? That has got to be awesome!
    Can't believe how fast everyone is growing up!
    Miss ya!
    Ashley Doughty

    1. Hey Ashley!

      Well, I got hired for Starbucks, but I've been working at the registers for the past 2 weeks. I'm starting Starbucks training in Benson on Thursday. :)

      I miss you too! I'm going to email you sometime this week. :)

      Love you!

  4. I second that! So cool(and a little sad) how everyone is growing up! Sigh..............Miss ya'll too!

    1. Well, it would be a little sad if everyone stayed kids their whole entire lives, don't you think? :)
