
Monday, August 13, 2012

The future of this blog...

So, I think I've mentioned before that our computer is having major problems, and so I can't post any pictures. Well, pretty much I've just been sitting around, waiting, hoping that maybe either we'll get a new computer or that the problems with this one will be magically fixed. Well, I don't think either of those are going to happen. So, I've decided something about this blog. And after you see this sentence PLEASE don't quit reading and immediately delete my blog from your favorites, unfollow me, etc. Because I'm not going to stop blogging. It's a lot of fun sharing what goes on in my life with people who haven't experienced it. (A.K.A. anyone other than my family :-) ) I've just been thinking about it, and decided that until this whole thing gets worked out, I'm just going to have to settle with a words-only blog. Which I guess if you think about it isn't that bad. I mean, without words the human race would be pretty lost. :) Now, I know that deaf people sign, but I don't think that I can blog with sign language. That would be pretty tough. So, a word only blog will have to suffice. I guess I just feel kinda' bad considering EVERY blog that I read is always chock-full of pictures. It's nice to be able to see what's going on, instead of just reading about it. I guess that's why they made movies out of books. (Although, in my humble opinion, the books are always WAY better than the movies)

So, until this whole thing with pictures gets sorted out, I am just going to write. And write, and write, and write. I'm going to try and post at least every other day if not every day telling you all about what goes on in the Cameron household. But please, if I get really REALLY rambly, please let me know, ok?

But there is something I would like to ask. If you read my blog, would you mind commenting to let me know? As of right now, after having my blog for over a year, I know of 3 people that read it. My sister and 2 of my friends. So I'm kind of a little bit desperate to find out if anyone else pays atten;tion. :)

Well, I guess that's all I'm going to say right now. Tomorrow I'll post about going mini-golfing for my, Sarah's and Annabeth's birthdays. Plus, I'll give a update on Baby Cameron!



  1. Hi Kayla!

    I just discovered your blog a couple of days ago, and have really enjoyed reading it! Keep up the good work!


    1. You know I read it Kayla! Though I don't always comment....sorry bout that. :-) Keep up the good blogging, and hey there's nothing wrong with "just words"! The main thing is keeping family and friends updated.

  2. Kayla,

    I've been here a couple times now. I found your blog while doing some etsy research <-----my shop. I recently listed a baby blanket and found yours. Keep on creating. God is good! You have a sweet family.


  3. Hi sisy!!
    You know I read it. Sometimes before you post it!!!!
    OH and My picture on the side needs some work sister. BUT NICE BLOG!

  4. Thank you all for your comments. Yes, Rachel and Hannah, I know you read it. You both were part of the '2 friends and my sister' :)

    Kari and Kiah, thanks for commenting! It's nice to know that there's someone out there who enjoys reading my blog!
