
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No, I don't really have a good reason...

As to why I haven't posted in the last 2 weeks. I mean, other than the fact that I've been sick, we've been out of the house a whole lot, and frankly I just have been too lazy to sit down and type for 20 minutes. But of course I can't mention those because they would be considered excuses. :)

LIke I said before, we've been out of the house a whole lot, which means that I acutally do have a lot to post about. I'm just not going to do it all today, because that would take a really long time. :D

Well, first of all, I thought I'd mention that I started a new blog! It's going to be all about my Etsy shop and my current craft projects. I originally started this blog to post about my Etsy shop, but then I realized that most of the people that read this blog are probably people that I know in person, and that they aren't the least bit interested in my crafting endeavors. Hehe. When I was trying to come up with a name for the blog I was going through a writers block, and so guess what the name of this new blog is?

Kayla's Corner - Etsy Version

I know, pretty pathetic, right? Oh well. I'm sure I'll change it eventually, once I come up with something more creative, but for right now, that's the name. Here's the link:

Hm, I've still been doing voice lessons, and they're starting to go alot better than they were going. (At least I think) Especially the last 3 weeks. Mr. Addleman said today that these last 3 voice lessons vs. everything before was like night and day. I'm pretty sure that's a good thing. :D The problem was that this whole last week I haven't been able to sing at all (up until yesterday, that is) because I've been sick. And it hasn't been fun. Ugh. But I'm pretty much over it now, thank goodness. And so far I haven't heard of anyone getting sick because of me. Even better!

Well, I guess that's all I'm going to type right now. I'm really not in the mood to be sitting here for another 20 minutes typing about all the other stuff we've been up to! I might post again later this afternoon, but if not I'll definitely post tomorrow, K?


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