
Friday, March 23, 2012

The rest of our week (hopefully!)

I say hopefully because I may start rambling again, and it'll become somewhat long. :) I'll try not to though, ok?

Ok, so where was I? Oh yeah, I had just finished with violin lessons on Thursday. So now to Friday.

So we have some friends who made some posters for a science fair recently, and we wanted to go see them. We were SUPPOSED to go Thursday after violin... but Mom kinda' forgot. So we were trying to work it out so we could go on Friday with them. The only problem was that we weren't sure if we were supposed to go help Uncle Robert like we did yesterday or not. Well, it turns out that we didn't, so we tried to get a hold of them. They were gone all morning long, though, and we had decided that, when it was about 2:15 and they still weren't home, that we were just going to go down without them. Well, right as we were about to walk out the door, they got home, and we worked it out so that we were going to go pick up the boys and take them down with us. (They live 5 minutes away from where the posters were, so it wasn't like it was a long way) Now, with our new car, it was only a 7 passenger, so we had to kinda' cram the boys in. David sat on my lap, and... I won't tell you what Jonathan and Will did, because you'd probably be pretty shocked. But no, we didn't tie them up on the roof. :D But anyway, we got there, and went to go look at the posters. It was REALLY neat. There must have been 1,000 posters there, if not there. But we went and looked at the boy's posters. It was pretty cool.

After that we went and dropped them back off at their house, and then we went to Costco. See, for all those people reading this who have small families, you won't be able to relate to this. Costco is a MUST HAVE in our family. Getting lots of the things we need in bulk for really cheap is necessary. The Costco that we go to, there is a lot of space in there that is going to be used for other buildings, and we all decided that if we had a Costco, a Wal-Mart, a Sunflower, and a Fry's, we'd NEVER have to go into town again. Well, except for church or going to see our grandparents. But we'd never have to do any shopping. :)

So Dad met us there after work, and after that we went out to dinner. Now, where we went was a truckstop, so I'm pretty sure if I mentioned the name quite a few people reading this wouldn't know what I was talking about. (Except for the people that live here, of course) So I'm not going to mention the name. But we LOVE that place. Oh, and btw, they have the best chicken sandwich ever. It's awesome. But see, I'm rambling again. *flick myself* Kayla! Stop that! ( :D ) We were there for a long time, because they had a lot of large parties coming in, and so they were a little backed up. Or at least that's what the waitress told us. I don't know, she may have ben making excuses. :) So by the time that we had eaten dinner and had dessert, (which was pretty rare, because we never have dessert there, but it came with our food) it was about 7:45. So, we went home and we all FELL into bed. We were pretty tired. :)

Saturday we went back to the MacDonald's house for dinner. It was St. Patrick's Day, and since they're Irish, I think it's a pretty big holiday for them. So they invited us over, and we had SO much fun! There was also another family there, and we had fun with them too. Most of the kids were all playing together, and it was really fun to watch. Wes and I were eating on the side of the house sitting down on the ground, (I know that's a wierd place to sit, but for some reason I like sitting on the ground while I'm eating) and Wes was telling me about his project, which I would have loved to hear about on Friday, but when Wes was telling people about it, Will kept bugging me trying to get me to take him and Jonathan (and a bunch of other kids, as it turned out) to look at some more posters, so I didn't get to hear it. So anyway, Will comes around the back of the house, sees us sitting there talking, and decides to call the dogs to come eat our food! I STILL can't believe he did that! And he had a big grin on his face when he did it. Aye aye aye. *sigh* The little stinker. :) So after that most of Wes' food was gone and there was dirt in my lemonade. I bet you can guess that after that we moved to the table. :)

So after we finished eating, Will, Jonathan and most of the other kids were trying to get us to play hide and seek with them. Well, after awhile we gave in, and they all went to hide while we counted. Well, actually we weren't counting, we just sat there and waited a few minutes. So then we went around to the back/side of the house, where everyone was, and started looking for them. Now, you have to understand that the MacDonald's yard is pretty small, and there wasn't very many places to hide, which made it REALLY easy for Wes and I, who were the seekers. We found Jonathan within about 10 seconds and after that it didn't take long to find everyone else. So Wes and I kept joking with the other kids about how it didn't take us very long to find them, and Will was like, "What?!? It took you 10 minutes to find us!" I guess he didn't realize that we had JUST come looking for them! :) What I didn't know was that Katy Webster was also playing, (I thought she was inside) and I had already walked past her on the way to find everyone else, and if Lee hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have known she was there! She was hiding pretty well. :) She might have been there for hours!

After we ate and had dessert, we all went out front to play football. It was fun. Wes and I were the team captains, (which is pretty obvious because we were the oldest) and we picked our teams. The only problem was that both Hannah and Will wanted to be on the same team, and when Wes picked Hannah and then I picked Will.... Well let's just say there was a VERY long dispute about that. :) But we finally got the teams worked out and started to play. It was a lot of fun. :) It was kind of hard though, because again, since Wes and I were the oldest, it made sense that the two of us would guard each other and try to keep the other one from getting the ball. Well, after I caught a pass and ran it down for a touchdown... Wes stuck on me like GLUE! I pretty much just gave up after that. :) But I still had Will and Katy on my team, so it worked out pretty well. It was really dark, because the street light in front of their house was burnt out, but that didn't really matter because we were used to playing in the dark. We always play after church in the dark. Now, it's not always THAT dark, we do have lights at church, but it's still somewhat hard to see the ball.

About 20 minutes after we started playing Mr. MacDonald came out and said it was time for music. When they had first invited us, they had said that we would take some time and work on music stuff. So, Hannah and I brought our violins with us. Hannah played violin a couple of times, with me playing once only because she asked me to, Katy played piano, Will played violin, and then Hannah played some more with Mrs. MacDonald accompanying her on piano. After that Wes and I went.

Remember back in January when I posted about the surprise party for Mrs. Goodale, and the video with the song that she, Wes and I did? Well, about 11:00 Wes iMessaged me (iMessage is kind of like texting) and said that Mr. MacDonald had asked if Wes and I would do that song for them that night. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald weren't at the party, so they didn't get to hear it. We went back into their back room to practice it, because Wes hadn't played the song since then. Annabeth was already in there, which was fine, but by the time we had gotten through the first chorus, Hannah, Sarah, Jonathan, Will and Lee were all in there being loud and singing along in their play-annoying voices. We didn't even get to practice the bridge. *sigh* But eventually we went back out there and preformed it, and I think it went really well.

The only problem that I have with it was that whenever I sing in front of people, especially by myself, I get really nervous, which makes my voice really quiet. That in turn makes it harder for me to sing the high notes, and even when I do, they sound kinda' scratchy. So there was a little problem with that, but I was talking with Mrs. MacDonald the next day, and she said that if I were to sing in front of people more often, that that would help. In fact, I'm actually starting to get ready for a recital in May that I'm hoping to sing in. But I'll post more about that later.

But see, I'm kinda' rambling again, so I think I'd better move on. Besides, after music we left. :)

Sunday we had church and fellowship, but I'm not going to go into too much detail about that because there really isn't much to go into. I will say though that it was a pretty great night. :)

Let's see.... We didn't do anything Monday, and Tuesday was pretty quiet too. We did go in the afternoon to help Uncle Robert, (remember, my last update post was posted from his laptop?) but we were only there for a few hours. I don't really have anything to post about that. Wednesday was pretty quiet too, but Thursday after violin we did go back to help Uncle Robert. He was pretty grumpy at first, but then he took a pain pill and he was all happy again. :) We were supposed to go back today, but then Aunt Tracey called and said that she didn't need to go to work until 3, and Michael was going to be home after 4, so they didn't need us.

So today was a pretty normal day. We didn't do anything special.

We are going back to Family Fun Days tomorrow, so I can post about that after we get home. Mom will be there this time, so hopefully she'll take pictures.

Oh, and sorry, I just realized that I wrote this whole entire post without actually saying that I didn't have any pictures. Oops! We were all having so much fun on Saturday that the camera didn't even get taken out, and there really wasn't any need to take it to Uncle Robert's house with us. :) But like I said, I should be able to post about Family Fun Days tomorrow.

Sorry this was so long. :) Like I said, I tend to do that. :D

So, until tomorrow!


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