
Saturday, May 26, 2012

At the farm

Hi everyone! We're at the farm right now. I decided I should probably post, so I'm going to post my journal entry from today, so I don't have to write everything out again. Thank goodness for copy and paste! So, here you go!

Dear journal,

Today we're going down to the farm. Because of the holiday weekend, Dad has Monday off, so we'll go down today and come back sometime Monday. I really would like to go to church tomorrow though. Hannah and I have been trying to convince Mom and Dad that we should get in the habit of driving to town for church now, rather than wait until we move. I don't think it's going over very well though. :) Oh well.

I guess we're binging the rabbits with us. I'm still not sure I understand why. It was Hannah's idea. She's really gotten into taking care of rabbits. She wants to start a business from it this fall. She's done SO much research lately. Which brings me to something pretty funny. She found out the other day that Thumper, my BOY rabbit, is actually a girl. *clears throat* Yeah, that's kind of an interesting thing to be woken up with... "Kayla! Thumper is a GIRL!!!" I'm still getting used to that idea. :)

Anyway, I guess that we'll just hold the rabbits on the way down there. That's a long way, but it's ok. It's not like holding a porcupine or something like that. :)

Right now we're waiting for Dad and David to get home from work. Dad only had one appointment today, so David got to go with him. Oh my goodness. He looked so cute. He was wearing black pants, a light blue shirt, and a belt, just like Dad. He even had the sunglasses. :) It was SO cute!!!  Once they get home we'll leave.

Hehe. So, the whole leaving when Dad got home thing didn't work so well. They got home about 10:00, and Dad started getting the truck ready to go to the dump. It took a LONG time. Dad and I left, and made it to Mrs. Spetzer's house before the back tire on the truck blew. Yeah, not good. Dad didn't have any place to turn the truck around with the trailer on it, so we ha to drive up the street to Miss Susan's house before we could turn around. Then, when we got BACK to Mrs. Spetzer's house the hub cap came off. So, once we pulled into the driveway I walked back to get it. Dad wasn't too happy, because he was worried that the truck would get all messed up. I don't know if it did or not. We'll have to see.

So, we got ready to go. We finished packing and then started loading up.... To discover that the battery in the car was dead. Someone was playing in the cr and left the lights on. Dad wasn't too happy about that either. So, while we were waiting for the battery to charge, Sarah and I went on a walk to get the mail. (Our mailbox is about a quarter mile away, so not too far) On the way back, Sarah picked up the tread from the tire that had fallen on the road.

By the time that we got back, the van still wasn't charged, so we did devotions. (All except for Dad, he was busy) We just read from Proverbs, instead of reading from the New Testament too. We probably would have read Luke, but right before we finished Proverbs Dad came in and said to get loaded up. So, we did. We left shortly after.

And so here we are. On the way. I'll write more later.


We just finished eating dinner. We had Philly Cheese Steaks from Costco. It's hard to cook while we're here, since we have limited fridge space, and limited time. So, even though it's terrible, we bring frozen food.

Right now we're all in the family room. I'm writing, and Dad, Jonathan, Sarah and David are all playing a Bible trivia game. Annabeth is off doing who-knows-what, Mom is in our room doing something, and I think Hannah just got out of the shower.

Let's see... I guess I don't really have much to write. Unless you want to hear about how many pesky weeds have grown since we were last here, or about how we forgot the divider for the rabbit cage, and so we have one made out of wood in place, or about how it's SO WINDY here right now. But, I don't find that very interesting. So, I'll write more tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I so enjoy hearing about your adventures even if you think they are boring. I miss you guys so much when I know you are in Willcox which is weird since you live in Vail and we are in Tucson. You never know though, we might move someday.....:-) Say hello to the family for me.....
