
Friday, January 18, 2013

A few more pictures

I'm not going to write at all today. I'm tired and I'm going to bed. :) But I thought I would give you a few more pictures to tide you all over until I do. :) Enjoy!


  1. Your new little sister is so cute! It must be wonderful to have a little baby around when your 15. All my sibling were born within two years of each other, so I was only nine when Josh was born, plus he was more fragile than most babies, so I didn't get to hold him that often. :( Any way, as I was saying, Your so blessed to have such a pretty little sister!

    1. Hi Bethany!

      Yes, it's pretty nice. :) It's a little weird though. Annabeth is 5 now, so we haven't had a baby in so long. :) Yesterday we were at the hospital and she was crying for the first time. It was so strange to hear a baby cry again. :) Right now Mom and Dad are on their way home from the hospital... Can't wait!!!

  2. Thanks for posting the pics. She is adorable!
    Hope you all sleep well and that she cries very little.

    Mrs. Caballero
